Night Watch is an urban fantasy set in Russia. It tells the story of two factions of magic at war: The forces of Light and the Forces of Darkness. 50 years ago after the russian revolution a peace treaty was signed, and now for every act of good the light does the dark gets to perform an act of evil and vice versa, that is if you get caught by the watches! Now in a magical cold war the sides are reduced to espionage, backstabbing and trickery.
Anton is our hero a middling mage in the Night Watch, he and his coworkers spend their days watching the forces of dark and making sure they don’t step out of line, as he hunts down a rogue vampire he begins to find that everything is not as it seems.
I found the book very entertaining it was the first fantasy book I have read that was translated from another language and it is well worth the time. The story is told in three connected short stories and I can’t wait to read the sequels!
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